Management Team
Supports the Team Coordinator in her role.
Acts in the role of T.C. in her absence e.g. chairs business meetings at
rehearsal or Management Team Meetings
Liaises with chorus standing committees to ensure chorus operations go
ahead smoothly i.e. point of contact for make-up, costume etc
Attend monthly management team meetings
Hold a chorus credit card to facilitate purchases on behalf of the chorus
Authorize payments by Treasurer
Music Coordinator
Coordinate the music team in all its activities.
As an elected, voting member of the management team, attend all
management meetings and communicate music team business.
Keep the chorus informed of all team goals and musical plans.
Schedule and chair all music team meetings and planning sessions and keep
records of those meetings.
Aid the music team in planning the yearly musical program.
Assist the chorus director in planning the rehearsal each week
Be responsible for additional activities during rehearsal that could involve
visual rehearsal, and educational elements
Work with the music director to select all music team personnel and present
the proposed list to the management team for approval.
Direct and supervise the activity of the support team members. These include
all those who are not directly involved in the teaching aspect of the musical
program and could include: costume chair, makeup chair, librarian.
Implement the plans and needs of the music team including all materials and
supplies for each rehearsal.
Ensure the Repertoire Report on the Member website is kept up to date by
Section Leaders.
Keep the music team informed of schools, seminars and music leadership
training sessions offered by SAI (Int & Region)
Overview: To enhance the chorus’s public image through advertising and promotional activities in order to attract paid performances and new members. |
Key Responsibilities:
The webmaster maintains the website and aids members to log in and navigate.
Note that the content of the website is the responsibility of the appropriate office-bearer or member. The webmaster can aid in training and uploading content.